Terms & Conditions
Booking and Payments
You can book online by filling in the requested details on our website. We don’t charge your credit card unless you don’t follow our cancellation policy (see below). As we use the hotel rate to convert currencies, we recommend you to bring enough cash to avoid extra costs. You can pay with credit card, note there is a charge of 3%.
Cancellation Policy
When booking at Bellevue Zanzibar a 50% down payment (which is refundable up to 14 days before arrival date) is mandatory, the balance payment of 50% needs to be done 14 days before arrival date.
Cancellation within 14 days of arrival demands 100% payment. If the balance payment is not done 14 days before arrival we will see this as a cancellation and the balance payment will be charged and we will open up the room for other guests.
Disclosure of information
Bellevue Zanzibar undertakes to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all personal information collected. Information may only be disclosed when required by law or in cases where such action is necessary or desirable to defend the rights or property of Bellevue Zanzibar or its users.
Room availability, delivery and return
Reserved rooms are available to the customer starting at 2:00 pm on the agreed arrival date. The customer does not have the right to earlier availability.
Rooms must be vacated and made available no later than 11am on the agreed departure date. After that time, on the grounds of the delayed vacating of the room for use exceeding the contractual time, the hotel may charge 50% of the full accommodation rate (list price) for the additional use of the room until 6:00pm (after 6:00pm: 100%).
The lodge is not liable to the customer for property (cash securities and valuables) brought into the lodge.
Bellevue Zanzibar will not be responsible in case of valuable loss, injury or death caused to the customer in act of robbery or piracy inside the lodge.
All invoices (restaurant, activities, taxi’s) signed by the customer will have to be paid before departure.